The career in film Making- course, job role, college.
The Film Industry is nothing without its stars - everyone worships the hero all over the country.
The biggest thing that has recently happened to Bollywood is multiplex. A symbol of India's growing economic power, many hundred multiplexes have emerged across the country, providing a safe and comfortable alternative to watch movies for the whole family.
If you are really serious to be a filmmaker, then it is important that you get formal training in the profession by joining the top film institution, and learn various aspects of filmmaking - directing, editing, cinematography, sound editing, script e.t.c. The film school will give you access to expensive equipment (cameras, sound equipment, lights, etc.) which would otherwise be difficult to practice.
With 10 times more tickets than the tickets offered by the traditional single-screen theater, the multiplex has resulted in a huge increase in revenue for India's film industry - making the filmmaking business consistent even during the national economic downturn. Used to be. The career in film industry option is very good for you.
Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification: For technical courses, the original qualification is 10 + 2. This is a bachelor for other courses. Eligibility test and interview will be done to assess the candidate's talent.
You have needed some professional degree and certificate courses for getting a job in the film industry
Potential employers include:
Film studio
advertising agencies
Government department
Production house
Self-employment through marketing of personal skills
Careers who make the film can be direct or indirect. Direct careers are actually involved in film projects, while indirect careers include critics, archives and distributors. There are no real solo film production courses.
Producer: The main task of the manufacturer is to ensure that everyone is doing their job. She chooses the story, manages resources, invokes cast and crew including the director, chooses the place, manages the law, etc. She can also direct. Usually the post is held by the lesser mass. Bachelor of Film and Television Institutions
Director: He is the creator's right hand man. This is that most people will have to work together; Their wish translates the viewer's vision. Choreography, costumes, music and crew all rely on him.
Editor: Films are made in a long and tilted mess; It's the editor's job to put everything in the sequence. They have to work very closely with the director and producer to keep their ideas true. He chooses to be shot again and needs to be cut. It makes special effects and synchronizes the sound track.
Screenwriter: Books and stories to be formatted for the screen; The screenplay writers bring their creative and visualization talents to translate between these mediums. Any person with a literature graduate or creative writing skills can pick it up.
Actors: The powers of empathy, imitation, and memory serve the best actor. Good physical properties and charisma can be learned only up to one degree, but in acting, degree helps in enhancing skill.
Animator: To create moving images, more formal tangible technical skills are needed; Cartoons, advertisements, games etc. All can use an animator. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Design and Animation Design are perfect here.
Cinematographer: Working closely with the director, the photographer compiles scenes for visual effects; He decides a job with light, camera angle - high technical expertise requirements.
Cameraman: This is the right hand man of the photographer; High technical competence and deep knowledge of cameras should be.
Lighting technician / operator: changing the day in the night, or changing the mood with changing colors; This job requires high technical skills and experience.
Soundman: A degree in audiography / electronics with high school background background helps a lot - recording, dubbing, sound mixing and effects ... and keeping everything in sync to the video.
Other movie related careers
Film Criticism: All of the films should be practically well-acquainted in the general knowledge; His work is to review and rate movies and determine their value. He also interviews a lot of artists and crew.
Film archives: Movies can be spoiled and lost; Archaeological is responsible for their conservation. The job is similar to a museum curator, rather than just dealing
Courses and college
1) Film and Television Institute of India, Pune
One Year Courses
Two Year Courses
Three Year Courses
Feature film Screenplay writing
Diploma in Acting
Diploma in Art Direction and Production Design
Certificate Course in Video Editing
Post Graduate Diploma in Editing
Certificate Course in Electronic Cinematography
Diploma in Sound Recording and Sound Design
Certificate Course in TV Direction
Diploma in Cinematography
Sound Recording and TV Engineering
Diploma in Direction & Screenplay Writing
2) Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) Kolkata
3) The National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmadabad
4) K. R. Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts (KRNNIVSA)
5) Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute of Odisha
6) Government Film and Television Institute, Bangalore
7) L.V Prasad Film Institute, Chennai, and Trivandrum