Benefits of technology in higher education

Today Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are subjects that never cease to amaze us with their scope in our daily life, basically everything that surrounds us is susceptible to the study of these areas.

In this digital procedure, education plays a fundamental role, not only because it allows students to acquire the necessary skills to function in this society focused on technological knowledge, but because of it provides tools to Higher Education institutions to improve the quality of life of the whole community.

Technology is being integrated into processes that range from academic planning and evaluation to student follow-up, and provides a series of benefits that help improve efficiency and productivity. Here we tell you what they are:

6 Benefits of technology in education:

Collaboration :
Classroom management is no longer just the task of the teacher, new technological platforms for Higher Education integrate all stakeholders to improve the learning experience; Administrators can monitor if class objectives are met, and students can share their concerns and track them grades.

Optimization of time:
The systematization of academic planning through a software helps to a better distribution of the available infrastructure (considering the time of displacement of students and teachers), to a teaching assignment according to the time availability and decreases the planning time.

Flexibility and continuous improvement :
There are already platforms that assist the institutions in the management of the information of the exit profile, curricular meshes of curricula, programs, and syllabus of the courses, facilitating the handling for the accreditation processes and ensuring the coherence with the objectives declared in the exit profile.

Greater communication and management of teachers:
The implementation of software covers a follow-up not only of the actions of the teachers in relation to the classes, but also in other aspects such as research, academic management and the improvement of personal competences. With this, the universities can monitor the work and align it with their strategic plans.

Costs reduction:
The use of new technologies in education allows for the reduction of costs. Graphics Significant is not necessary, and everything can be done through a program.

Enriched data :
Before the digital transformation of Higher Education, departments made decisions based on their experience; today the public is diverse and that character becomes an advantage to achieve student success . Software that uses machine learning can identify early the risk of dropping out and support students to reach their goal.
The data is facilitating the management of educational facilities, according to a report from Huddersfield University, who has already implemented an analytical reading system, "have been able to increase retention by providing a personalized service that has allowed to reach a dropout rate under 10%".

In the not too distant future, it is possible that, thanks to the implementation of a data reading service, a completely customized attention and assistance service can be delivered, oriented to the needs of each member of the community.

Integrating information technologies in education
It is one thing to know the importance of ICT. Another is to be able to implement your application. Unesco itself has prepared a framework program on information technologies, with the level of skills that teachers need to integrate ICT into their professional practices.

This integrates not only the knowledge of the technologies for the classroom and the planning of the courses, but tools to improve the capacities of organization and management of both the class and Collaborative groups. The project ends with the integration of technologies in educational institutions as a whole.

Thus, it will be increasingly necessary that teachers have the ability to create networking environments for students to save, share and collaboratively develop their work, and learn to use technologies with flexible teaching-centered teaching strategies centered on the student.

This requires leadership. Teachers must be transformed for the process of continuous teaching and support, and educational institutions must develop a correct vision of their establishments as a community, based on innovation and continuous learning, which is enriched by information technologies.

How do institutions of Higher Education adapt to the changing reality of society, actively contributing changes from the training of the best professionals?

It is about acting as an institution that learns and advances and new technologies have made available the tools that provide multiple benefits to make the leap from being an outdated institution to achieve high performance and continuous improvement.

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