BAMS Full Form, Course Duration, Admission, Fees, Syllabus, Scope

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree within the medical field. This degree programme is conferred to those students who studied the fashionable medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurveda is one among the traditional medical systems of the planet . It traces its roots to the Vedic period.

Aims & Objectives:

The course aims at providing basic education in Ayurveda resulting in the degree of B.A.M.S. It aims at preparing bachelor of profound scholarship within the science of Ayurveda having basic and fundamental knowledge in several subjects of Ayurveda protected by extensive practical training. trainer should become an efficient teacher, a search scholar and a competent Ayurvedic physician (Kayachikitsaka) and surgeon (Shalyachikitsaka) to be ready to contribute his mite within the medical and health services of the Country

i) Basic Principles of Ayurveda including Swasthavritta (Hygiene and positive Health).
ii) The Fundamentals of pharmacology and Pharmaceutics (Dravyguna, Rasa-Shastra, Bhaishajya Kalpana).
iii) The Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Pathogenesis (Nidan).
iv) The Fundamentals of Treatment (Chikitsa) and Panchkarma (Internal Purification) - demonstration and practicals of varies massage therapies.
v) Rasayana (Geriatrics and Rejuvenation Therapy).
vi) Fundamentals of Surgery (Shalya) including Ksharasutra (Alkaline thread cauterisation), Agnikarma (cautersiation), Jalakavacharana (Leech Application) etc.
vii) Practical demonstration of varies techniques of treatment.
viii) Preparation of Herbal Medicines.
ix) Prenatal & Postnatal health care of girls and child health care.

Eligibility: Must have passed higher lyceum certificate examination after 12 years of schooling with physics, chemistry and biology subjects.

Qualifying age: Must have completed 17 years as on 31st December of year of admission to the most course & less than 45 years.

Medium of Instruction: English for Foreign Nationals.

Admission criteria: Admission to Foreign National/NRI candidates is granted by University directly only at its constituent College Gulab Kunverba Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Jamnagar on first come first serve basis.

Academic year: July to June.

What is the salary of BAMS MD doctor?
In pharmaceutical companies, MD graduates have a foothold over BAMS graduates, as they will expect a pay package of between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 50,000 from a prominent company. On the opposite hand, the salary scale in spas, Ayurveda centres are relatively lower.

Career options after Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

In the past, there was just one option available for freshly graduated doctors (after passing BAMS), which was to start out one’s own practice. However, today there are many promising opportunities available for BAMS graduates. The areas which are available for a BAMS graduate to create a career successfully are often broadly classified into the subsequent five categories:

Clinical practice



Management and administration

Drug manufacturing

The present article discusses a number of these options intimately . While selecting a career, a student should attempt to match his or her own interest, basic qualities also as specific qualities, which a selected field may demand (e.g., a student getting to pursue a career in management must have good communication skill), and therefore the resources available to him/her with the need of the career option.

1. Clinical Practice
A student entering Ayurvedic practice cannot avoid the detailed study of Ayurvedic Samhitas. the scholar should even be cognizant about modern life science and interpretation of recent diagnostic tests. Practical experience is equally required for becoming a successful practitioner. it's advisable that a student works with senior practitioners for a minimum of 1–2 years before fixing his own practice. along side regular practice, a student also can choose specialized practice after acquiring proper knowledge, e.g., therapy of skin diseases, spinal disorders, ophthalmologic conditions, ano-rectal diseases, etc., where Ayurveda features a special role to play today.

When a student plans to pursue a career in academics, it's necessary to try to to post graduation. Students, who cannot get opportunity for MD, can choose post graduate diplomas available in various subjects

Apart from MD and PhD courses, there are other good courses useful for a career in research like MSc or PG Diploma in Clinical Research  Ayurveda courses are available in various institutions and universities throughout the country. Cranfield University, through its branches in India, also offers a masters degree in clinical research.

For students who aren't curious about clinical practice but want to possess a career associated with the medical field, there are ample choices. MPH (Masters publicly Health), MHA (Masters in Health Administration) and MBA (Hospital and Healthcare management) are in great demand.


medical tourism, Medical transcription,  medical journalism, medical event management, medical photography and documentation also are fields with a bright future. BAMS graduates can complete LLB and work as legal medical advisor.

you'll pursue MD/ MS within the following disciplines after completing the BAMS degree: 

Agada Tantra, Ayurveda 
Samhita evam Siddhant,
 Dravyaguna Vigyana, 
Kaumarabhritya Bala Roga, 
Kayachikitsa Kriya Sharira,
Mano Vigyana evam Manasa Roga, 
Panchakarma Prasuti evam Stri Roga, 
Rachana Sharira, 
Rasa Shastra evam Bhaishajya Kalpana, 
Rasayana evam Vajikarana, 
Roga Nidana evam Vikriti Vigyana, Shalakya, 
Shalya Swasthavritta, and Yoga.

Which college is best for BAMS in India?
  1. Some of the simplest Institutions for BAMS in India are Institute Of Medical Sciences (Varanasi),
  2.  Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (Faridkot), 
  3. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (Nashik), 
  4. Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Wardha) 
  5. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (Bangalore).

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