We Have 10 tips to be a good student

10 tips to be a good student

1. - Intelligence

There are quite intelligent people who hardly need to study, as well as others for whom - it seems - that studying is not their thing. But the normal thing is to have an average intelligence and the good results are obtained with an adequate motivation that facilitates the effort involved in studying. Think about the reasons you have for studying. The more valuable, the better. Without the will to study, there is nothing to do ... and the reasons you have for studying are decisive.

2. - I have no will

It is something that happens to many people and that has to do with the changes that occur in adolescence. There are so many other things that are more fun. But you are risking the future ... in a few years you decide what you will be the rest of your life ...

There are students who have repeated the course with good grades ... They have changed, they have a reason. Like listening to music, playing games, going out with friends, studying.. And that motive has to come out of you. Rewards and punishments can be effective, but they are not decisive in the long run. If you have the will, but you have to exercise it

3. - Study techniques

You may have heard or they will have said about you: "this boy does not know how to study". There are ways to learn how to do it, many books, web pages, the help of a teacher, from your parents. But deep down, everything is common sense. You learn to study by studying and you will see for yourself which systems are best for you. If you want to learn more, keep reading.

4. - The most basic

You need a comfortable chair and a quiet study space with everything light enough. And no music, no TV. Don't kid yourself, with music you can't study: you can draw, copy ... but not memorize or concentrate. Do not get up every moment ... Persevere sitting for at least 45 minutes. Then rest 5-10 'and ... continue.

And also a schedule. It does not have to be rigid, it has to be flexible, but in high school it is normal for you to spend between half an hour and an hour to do your homework and three quarters or an hour to study. If between Monday and Friday you have not obtained 10-12 hours of study, the weekend must be recovered. And a little more at exam time. If you can, leave the tasks you need most time for the weekend.
It's a shame you spend time pretending to study when your head is too far away. Stop daydreaming. Take advantage of the time and then you can do many other activities.

5. - In class. The notes

It's silly to waste time in class. If you take advantage of that time, you will have a lot in advance. If, for some reason, they leave you free time, study time, carry out your homework.

The teacher may follow the book: in that case, take notes of what he says, of what he insists on. If he makes notes, stay tuned and take notes as much as you can, with common sense. Underline what he repeats, what he considers to be basic.

In one way or another, then you will have to review what you have written -you do not need to clean it up- but make the matter clear so that you understand it, now and in a few months. If you have missed class or have incomplete notes, ask a classmate.

6. Memorize

In most of the subjects you will have to study, memorize the contents of the lessons. Don't try to learn something you don't understand; That is why what I told you in the previous point is so important.

Each person has their own system to set the lessons in memory: read it aloud, review it several times and try to repeat it without looking at the text ... the important thing is that you keep in mind that you do not know a topic if you are not able to explain it. And it is very convenient that you study it every day, explained in class. This will make it easier for you, because you have them "fresh" in your memory and it is better to learn a short text than to face a lot of pages when the evaluation times arrive.

7. - The exams

The teachers say that the course is approved in September. There are no excuses: I'll study when the exam comes, it's a huge mistake. If you study every day when the time comes for the exam, you just have to review already acquired knowledge, remember what you already know. If you leave everything for the end, you will end up with a head full of formulas, definitions, dates, etc ... chaos.

The exams are of different types: you have to prepare each one differently. Auto examined gives good results.

Sleep well the night before the exam, do not even think about taking any pills - you will pay dearly for it. This way you will avoid nervousness and tiredness. It is also not good to comment with classmates just before starting the exam: you will only convince yourself that you are not well prepared and you will become even more nervous.

Read the questions carefully before launching yourself to answer, even make a small outline

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